Joined by his son Tyrel, Gov. Jesse “The Body” Ventura discusses not only the obscenely bizarre weather over the past few weeks, the Republican Party’s love of white collar crime, and the incredible inside story behind Jesse’s pitch for a Wrestlemania match and storyline so big that not even Vince McMahon himself had the guts to pull the trigger on. Hint… It would have changed the face of both the political and wrestling world forever!

The Jesse Ventura's Independent Streak Podcast
Welcome to the Independent Streak podcast, only on Jesse Ventura’s Die First, Then Quit. Here we showcase candidates, activists, and influencers who are fighting to bring something new, fresh, and game changing to the worlds of politics and pop culture.
Welcome to the Independent Streak podcast, only on Jesse Ventura’s Die First, Then Quit. Here we showcase candidates, activists, and influencers who are fighting to bring something new, fresh, and game changing to the worlds of politics and pop culture.Listen on
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