Ugh. Governor, I'm sorry. I'll support you under most circumstances. But not Yang or Howard Stern. And for that matter, not the Forward Party.

You're wrong about this, Jesse. This is going to lead to more disappointment and more disillusionment.

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Jesse, I love ya like a brother, but your vigilance seems to have vanished in regard to covid. You really dropped the ball. Covid was nothing short of an international scam! Was there a virus? Yes! It is an influenza/cold virus that was tinkered with by man! Fauci is a criminal and needs to be exposed, not helped! You should talk with RFK Junior. He has much to offer. Ben Swann and Joe Rogan as well!


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Jesse you know the US government does more killing than the Saudis dew this Criminal organization leading America must be taken down 6ft under TREASON COMMITTED DAILY HOLY KILLED 4 PRESIDENTS MLKJR WERE BEHIND 9 11 ALL WARS JESSE COME ON MAN THE WINNING TICKET TRUMP VENTURA NUGENT

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Hey Jesse, new listener here! Why don't you try to do longer format podcasts? I'd love for you to really dig into some of these questions you ask and sit on them for 10 or so minutes each. Sometimes these quick answers really just zip by and suddenly we are on to the next question. Sometimes just a simple "why do you think that is"? Or "what got us to this point?" "How do you think it will progress from here"? Can really lead into a deeper understanding of the topic at hand. This is something some of the bigger guys are really good at. Extending the topic or question and really digging into it, to exploit the wisdom and knowledge of your guest. Not saying you need to go Rogan style with a 3-4 hour conversation. But maybe an hour or so?

A lot of people consume this media (podcasts) while at work or while doing something else at the same time. I don't support everything you say, but I could listen to you talk and your perspective for hours. Keep up the great work and keep the content flowing!

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JK notes Pres. Biden's recent travesty visit to the Saudi Crime family - human rights crimes R US. American police, CIA, FBI and the military have alot in common with this Saudi criminal: these US authorities routinely trample on human rights at home and abroad but how many Americans give a hoot? Its been widely reported on for decades and Congress does nothing about it...abroad and domestically its in plain view. See Legacy of Ashes, Pentagon Paoers, books by William Blum, Noam Chomsky, etc. Does this little problem register with the Ventura Vigilent ?

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Five people did not die because of the Jan 6th action. One did & she was killed by capital police.

Andrew Yang? Really? You're joking.

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