My deepest condolences for the loss of your great friend, Jesse. I am also in your generation, born in 1950, and I remember well Bill's involvement in the antiwar movement as I was.

He was an inspiration since there were very few professional athletes at the time who participated in the movement. Which is not to say they approved of the war, but I didn't see them marching against the war.

Take care and stay safe.

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I wish more pro athletes were aware and protesting like Bill Walton did in the 60s.

Where are the pro athletes now? Are any protesting the proxy war in Ukraine? Where are they now, are they protesting the mass slaughter of civilians in Gaza, funded by Joe Biden?

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He sounds like a cool guy. He’s in a better place

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That was beautiful. I went to school at one of the Atlantic Coast Conference schools and we HATED Bill, coach Wooden and UCLA! But you have shown a side of him I never knew. Now I love him too.

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I'm sorry for the passing of your friend😢

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I was saddened when I heard that Bill Walton passed. An exceptional athlete and human being. The world was a better place with him in it.

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The United States of America happens when a quorum of the several states meets in a Congress Assembled. A re-Constitution or Original jurisdiction occurs when there is no de facto in appearance. It is all de jure. The best way out is straight ahead. Knowing what came preceedent as juxtaposed to post or amended, is quite handy. Precedent also.

Now, is a good time to think about the Electoral College. It elects our Chief Executive. That would be the President of the Congress Assembled of the Confederation and perpetual Union that combines the unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America 1776. So, we know the critical 14 that must move forward to achieve 20 for a quorum. And it does it with unelected people, unfettered from the several states. That number is 33, a quorum that also includes South Carolina re-Constitutes a de jure government.

The United States of America is dated 1777; the USMC is dated 1775. Oregon the state is dated 1859 and is number 33 with full faith and credit among the several states and territories. Oregon has re-constituted; completed in November 2022. Now, we know 15 states. Any additional 5. The United States of the Constitution 1859, was usurped by the Lieber Code. It is no longer a 10 mile square. That is U.S. Army, Blue Coats, Federal, un-Constitutional as in no standing Army. It should be militia. The Electoral College makes the Next Commander and Chief of the United States the de jure provisional government. Provenance, Pedigree, Protocol, de jure, do you have your bona fides in order? We will have a proper oath to the proper Constitutions with the Laws of nature and Nature’s God included. This year, 2024.

We have a de jure, up and running Article III one supreme Court claiming original jurisdiction operating in our Amendment VII Civilian common law Court of record, whose jury verdict in common law has no appeal in fact. In cases of over $20.00 there is no judge involved. We have a Jury pool of several hundred men and women and have Presentments and True Bills from eight (8) Grand Juries. We have verdicts from seven (7) Trial Juries of Article III Amendment VII courts. We implemented ex parte Milligan and nullified martial law / Lieber code / FEMA. We offer this with full faith and credit. This is a de jure remedy signed, sealed, stamped, witnessed, proof of service, published at www.orsja.org

Assemblies and Jural Assemblies and Grand Juries abound and have been cycling around for a long time. Currently the option that is functioning is Article I Section 1 the social compact of our Oregon Statewide Jural Assembly aka the provisional government on Oregon. The paperwork to re Constitute a provisional government on a state, commonwealth or territory takes 30 days, 15 hours work, 100 bucks for postage, 40 bucks for a seal, done by 5 people with their bona fides in order. You will need a Jury pool of men and women large enough to respond and appear when called. Tonja called our 1st Grand Jury when we had a jury pool of 45. Now we are several hundred. www.orsja.org.

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