Invite KENNEDY to the debate. You said Walz needed the Democratic party. Now he's owned by them. Where's YOUR independence Jesse? If you follow the 2 person narrative there will never be a change only more fake arguments while the Banks and Corporations steal America.

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For sure Gov...Ingesting too much of your 4/20 you've been hawking. Are you controlled opposition ? Sure appears that way.

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Calm yourself cowboy. At this point, Jesse doesn’t need to bow to anybody. I’ll take him out his word.

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Didn't know he was a Kamala cuck sellout. Good to know. Unsubscribed.

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Probably best you’re not a member with such a small mind. He explained why clearly.

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He is a communist. Spent years in China. He let the city burn. Living in Mexico as you have. Why care about the US. as far as 2024 election goes, the fix is already in. Criminals run government.

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You so far down the rabbit hole, let some air in..

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I used to defend you but now I see you're a fool.

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Supporting a chicken hawk that drinks horse semen? Lol ok then

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That’s bs and you know it. That mean stuff is why folks like he and Harris enough of meanest stuff it does not solve challenges

I have been voting for many years. Guy is the real deal

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Are you denying that he is a chicken hawk?

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You are either a LIAR or willfully ignorant. Either way, you are sick and wrong.

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We have enough ammunition. We don't have to be like them and lie. This is not true and it just makes us look foolish.

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There is plenty of ammo that he is a chicken hawk and he probably drinks horse jizz

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Honestly, your endorsement convinced me that I also needed to get onboard. I don't like voting two-party, but I think in this election, we don't have a much of a choice. I know this wasn't an easy choice, but I respect the hell out of it.

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Have you done ANY research about Kamala and Tampon Tim or you just take this fool's word for it?

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Go back to the sticks and shut the door. Misery doesn’t merit a microphone.

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Aug 16·edited Aug 17

Go fuck yourself.

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The ever-fluent Sean Galt is with us!

There must be bicycle seats nearby for him to sniff.

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i would never, nor could i ever, deign to take away your favorite past time, Chomo. But, please, please, please STOP RAPING ChILDREN.

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Tim Walz is a communist tyrant. Just ask the citizens of Minnesota who suffered in under his COVID mandates. He even had a hotline to snitch on people who violated his tyranny.

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That Tianamen Tim the wannabe Dictator Walz had the audacity to say, "mind your own business," after he had that Communazi Snitch Hotline for people to rat out their neighbors (so neighborly!), their co-workers, their friends and even their family, is so beyond the pale, so outrageous and appalling that any good and decent Minnesotan could never feel anything but revulsion toward that Worst Governor of Minnesota Ever. But the traitors who used that hotline, they are not only backstabbing Communazi pigs, but evil traitors of the human race itself. They should ALL be arrested and exiled to GITMO.

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Krank, krank, krank...

Sorry, Carol, freedom to spread infection disease is one "freedom" that didn't make it into the Constitution, nor into the UN Decaration of Human rights..

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The United States had never isolated people who were not sick until this. This was a power grab, pure and simple. Maybe sick people should have isolated, but not people who were not sick. Even Fauci admitted that the masks did not work and you could still get infected after taking the shot. Also, he admitted that the idiotic 6 foot distancing thing was made up.

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Aug 16·edited Aug 17

Fucki you, David,

You are a LIAR and a FASCIST.

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John Galt had kids. Who knew?

What do you suggest is incorrect in what I've posted?

You should try a spritz of silicone on your caps lock key, Sean. Those stuck flying caps make you look like some sort of idjit.

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Jesse the cave man - what happened? the open mind has close and out pops up some propped up nonsense - what a shame

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We never know who could be bribed in this day & age..not saying that’s it but this is very uncharacteristic of a rebel who has been so critical of these people..

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Yes, but it’s also very unusual times.

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Did you hear the comments his wife made about the riots of 2020? She left the bedroom window open so she could smell the burning rubber. This idiot glorified the riots. Never mind the millions of dollars in damage to the neighborhood. Sounds like a leftist retard.

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Smelling the results of the riots doesn’t mean she approved them! She might be someone who doesn’t want to turn her back on what’s going on!

Give it a break.

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You're lying, Carol.

He isn't an idiot, and he didn't glorify any riots.

Try to pull yourself together, OK?

You shouldn't have to be afraid of your children being ashamed of you when they read what you've written, some time down the road.

Good luck.

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Actually, I am not lying. I saw the video of his wife saying these things.

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You have misunderstood what he said. His thoughts on any riots did not "glorify" them, nor their particiapants.

Your misinterpretation is the outward expression of your inward confusion or bias, I would guess.

As I said, good luck pulling yourself together and functioning.

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Carol is telling the truth.

YOU are a LIAR.

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WD-40. Silicone spray for stuck caps-lock keys.

Good luck, Sean.

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Sep 15·edited Sep 15

No thank you. Also, there is no such thing as luck.

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Jesse’s covid shots must be getting to him. Unsubscribed.

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Good, idiots should be idiots.

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And you are an Evil Liar. GFY.

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Wow, stolen valor is not an honest man.

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Anybody else following Sarah Westall's (from Minnesota) work regarding Brain Washing. Here we have 'Exhibit A". Lemmie see if I have this straight . . . .Let illegal aliens Vote; Parental rights removed and trans-out your children behind your back; eliminate gasoline powered vehicles; eliminate the 2nd Amendment; Allow Porn in schools; defund the police; and nobody else died? Apparently Jessie was not there and follows the BS main stream media. Nice stories but the city will never recover and businesses are departing. How about using a critical thought process here. . . . we can see what's happening. unsubscribed!

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Sarah Westall. Thank you.

Since you brought up so many good points, i will check her out.

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Man, you must live off of Fox News. Start comparing other news media and realize that Fox News makes up a whole bunch of stuff. They got sued for it and lost $1 billion in the suit because they were clearly guilty of lying that there was any evidence at all about the election of 2020 being stolen. They had nothing to show.

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I disagree, Harris IS NOT the right woman to be President. I have no opinion on Walz, yes his policies as governor sucked like a horse cock sandwich, but VP picks mean nothing, just ask Harris and Dan Quayle. Trump is a god damn idiot. I can’t stand Republicans or Democrats. Just because you are old and gave up Jesse doesn’t mean we have to. I have a pair of some old UDT duck feet fins my Dad gave me before he passed away. I’ll let you use them so you can do some god damn flutter kicks with your legs hanging over the edge of the pool to get the red blood flowing back to your brain. Better yet why don’t you go hang out with Biden on the beach, and you two can get sand in your skivvies. I’ am independent, but I’m not dead yet like you. I’m not about to let this country go further in the hole by voting for another four more years of Simple & Simon. So if your ever in my AO look me up, would love to pick your brain a little, let’s go have a cold beer, and shoot the shit together, no wet sandy skivvies allowed. 🙂

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Read between the lines, what he says, “honesty, regardless of ticket color, is good enough.” If you have higher standards that is great, but being pragmatic in the current state of things means you can accomplish some goals-rather than none. Kennedy, no even close to an independent, interviewed Jessie as VP possibility, and didn’t chose him. Jessie throws his support behind the Dems says a lot about Kennedy.

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Aug 16·edited Aug 17

Fuck you.

Walz is the biggest ASSHOLE we've ever had in the governor mansion in Minnesota, You FUCKFACE.

Walz is a Communazi Covid FASCIST PIG.

Walz turned our hospitals into GHOST TOWNS that were almost completetly empty during his DICKtator wannabe Covid Emergency.

Walz kicked people out of the Safety of hospital rooms, which have filters on the air duct system capable of protecting patients from any virus, and into the Extreme DANGER of Nursing Homes where so many elderly were exposed to Covid. Walz is an ASSHOLE.

Walz let the ANTIFA nazis incite riots over a drug addicted criminal's drug overdose. Walz sat on his fat, lying ASS while our twin cities burned for days before he finally let the National Guard move in to restore peace.

Walz's sick and fake-marriage wife letf the windows open so she could smell the burning tires in St. Paul.

Walz's communist skank daughter gave info of the National Guard to the insurrectionist ANTIFA BLM rioters.

Walz then tried to blame White People...more specifically...White Supremacists...for the fires in Minneapolis. What an asshole. Like i said back then to him and to that ANTIFA and Muslim Brotherhood terrorist supporting Keith Ellison as i posted pictures of the mobs who destroyed the City of Lakes, "where are the white supremacists?" If there was even one, the mobs would have killed him.

Walz is a pathological LIAR. He lied many times and he continues to lie about his "Stolen Valor." He NEVER saw any combat, and he NEVER carried any weapon "in war." Walz is a LIAR.

So fuck you, Jesse. Fuck you and Fuck Walz, the wannabe tin pot DICKtator who did more damage and harm to US in Minnesota than ALL OTHER GOVERNORS COMBINED.

Ps. i thought you were a half way decent governor, but you are now simply a piece of shit asshole. So, fuck you, asshole.

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Jesse Ventura: Quit First Then Die.

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